Warning!! Don't join any weight loss plan, or attempt to start another fitness program before you READ THIS.


Happy New Year, Happy New You!

Well this is it... the week where millions of people stand up and announce that they will make a change, reach a goal, achieve a lifelong dream, or all of the above. Have you set your 2009 goals with a clear action plan and go for it?

Whether you intend to exercise more, lose weight, stop smoking, cut down on alcohol or eat a healthier diet, experts agree that one of the keys to making a successful resolution lies in one's own confidence that he or she can make the behavior change and the commitment to making that change!

Here are some tips to keeping you on your path to a better you.

1) Think about what you would most like to do or change and stick with one resolution for now. I have been told by past clients that they were going to lose weight, stop smoking, begin an exercise program (after 25 years of sitting on the couch)... and to do all of this while they are going back to school for a second career!

2) Once you pick what's most important, be clear as to why you want this. It is definitely all about commitment. For example, do you really want to lose weight or are you doing it because someone else wants you to?

3) Have an emergency plan ready. Know what you will do in case that stressful event comes up which has triggered you to eat everything in the refrigerator, pantry and local convenience store! Have coping strategies and alternatives to eating in order to deal with problems that will come up.

4) Break down a huge resolution into smaller goals. You are more likely to achieve your goal by focusing on 5 pound increments rather than the 50 pounds. Set weekly and monthly goals and focus only on those. Once achieved, reward yourself. Treat yourself to a spa day, a pedicure, a favorite perfume you've been meaning to buy or even a new hairstyle!

5) No matter what, always love and accept yourself. You are NOT that 30 pounds you need to lose. You are a great and beautiful person who just happens to want to lose 30 pounds. Remember, You are you the same person with or without the 30 pounds. So be you! Don't wait to be happy until you lose that 30 pounds, be happy now!

Let's make this year our best year ever and take great strides towards achieving our dreams!


Ready For CHANGE In 2009?

The world has millions of starving people whereas there are billions overweight and obese. Overweight is not just a matter of outlook. It turns out to be different kinds of chronic diseases like type 2 diabetes, hypertension, stroke, high cholesterol, sleep apnea, osteoporosis and cancer etc. Obesity becomes a worldwide epidemic. How would you take charge of your own health if you're given the LAST chance?
Year 2009 = a new year of CHANGE!
While many of the so-called experts continue to contradict each other with the newest fad diet to hit the bestseller list, permanent weight loss has escaped the world of "would-be dieters" out there. It's time to put an end to yo-yo dieting and get what you need most: lose the right kind of weight – FAT while preserving muscle!!!
This blog is NOT selling any magic pill or fad diet. This blog is selling The Right Approach to weight loss. This blog is selling a lifetime healthy eating habit that gives you no hunger but food enjoyment and fat burning at the same time. This blog is selling relief from a painful ailment so grandma can play with the grandkids again. This site is telling The Right Approach successful stories.

Are you ready for 2009 (change)?

Happy New Year & Happy Blogging!