Warning!! Don't join any weight loss plan, or attempt to start another fitness program before you READ THIS.


Yo-Yo Oprah

We've seen Oprah struggle with weight loss since she first appeared on TV more than a decade ago.

In 1992 Oprah reached her heaviest, 237 pounds. She was 38. Then, four years ago, she made it a goal to loose weight, and she appeared on the January 2005 cover (left) at a toned 160 pounds. She thought she was finished with the weight battle. She was done. She'd conquered it. She was so sure, and was even cocky. She had the nerve to say to friends who were struggling, "All you have to do is work out harder and eat less! Get your 10,000 steps in! None of that starchy stuff!"

Bam! Karma is a bear of a thing.

So here she stand, 40 pounds heavier than she was in 2005. She's mad at herself. She's embarrassed. She can't believe that after all these years, all the things she knows how to do, she's still talking about her weight. She looks at her thinner self and think, "How did I let this happen again?"

It happened slowly. In February 2007, at 53, she started to have some health issues. At first she was unable to sleep for days. Her legs started swelling. Her weight started creeping up, first 5 pounds, then 10 pounds. She was lethargic and irritable. Her internal clock seemed totally out of whack. She began having rushing heart palpitations every time she worked out. She was scared that she would pass out.

"It seemed as if the struggle I'd had with fat my entire adult life was now officially over. I felt completely defeated. Fat wins. All these years I'd had only myself to blame for lack of willpower. I felt like the life force was being sucked out of me. I always had an excuse for being tired. It took extra effort to do everything. I didn't want to go anywhere, and I didn't want to be seen any more than I had to. I could oversee a show and a magazine that tell people how to live their best lives, but I definitely wasn't setting an example. I was talking the talk, but I wasn't walking the walk. And that was very disappointing to me. "

If Oprah had came over the 7 tips on how to choose a comprehensive fat loss program, she could have avoided her thyroid problem and the yo-yo disaster!

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